Looking for Work?
If you are looking for a new job we recommend that you register with Regional Jobs WA
Registration is free and easy and you can upload your resume for employers to view
Check the Midwest Jobseeker each day for job vacancies and select to receive job alerts when you register.regionaljobswa.com.au
If you need free assistance with an application, resume or interview skills contact us by using the Contact Us enquiry form, email [email protected] or simply give us a call on 9964 1022.
Registration is free and easy and you can upload your resume for employers to view
Check the Midwest Jobseeker each day for job vacancies and select to receive job alerts when you register.regionaljobswa.com.au
If you need free assistance with an application, resume or interview skills contact us by using the Contact Us enquiry form, email [email protected] or simply give us a call on 9964 1022.